de Stilte is a professional dance company in the Southern region of the Netherlands. They perform hundreds of shows every year, for both the public and for schools.

Saved by your imagination
de Stilte wants to introduce as many children as possible to the abstract world of the senses, encouraging children to tell their own story. The boundless story of the imagination. Because they believe that imagination pushes boundaries: by becoming part of the story, by experiencing it and using your imagination, your world becomes larger. Based on that philosophy, founder and artistic director Jack Timmermans works with academically trained dancers to produce enigmatic shows for all ages.

Since 2006, de Stilte has witnessed a tremendous international growth and has become an important ambassador of Dutch youth dance abroad. Performances are regularly danced in Belgium and Germany, but de Stilte has also been a guest in Turkey, Scotland, Spain, Morocco, Austria, Lebanon and Jordan among others.